Hello, I'm

Anjith B

MERN stack Developer

building web applications with the MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js
technologies.Now, you're interested in adding UI/UX design skills
to your toolkit to improve the look and feel of
your applications.


About Me


I'm a self leaner MERN stack developer Currently searching for opportunities to reproduce my skills and grow my career Domain MERN stack


Web Development

Useing MERN stack: Node.js + Express.js for server-side API and MongoDB, React for client-side UI and server communication.

Web designing

Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler

UI/UX Figma

Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler

IOT Device

Implementing an IoT device with an application involves integrating the device into the application's ecosystem to enable communication and functionality.


Designing with Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro involves utilizing these powerful tools to create visually appealing graphics and videos.


Connect With me

© portfolio@anjithb